Jewish Family Service

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Meet New Friendly Visitor Volunteer Robin Davidson

When Robin Davidson moved to Boulder about six months ago, one of the first things on her agenda was to find a place to donate her time. Her local cousins suggested she go to the Boulder JCC, where she was connected to Jewish Family Service (JFS).

“I have always volunteered and been a strong advocate,” says Robin. “When I moved to Boulder, I needed something to brighten my life. Volunteering fills a hole in my heart and fulfills me. I’m lucky not to have a ‘9-to-5 job’, so I looked for a meaningful way to spend my time.”

Robin was raised Jewish and liked the idea of volunteering with a Jewish organization. “I’m not very religious, but feel a kinship to the culture and traditions,” Robin explains. “When I heard about JFS’s Friendly Visitor program, it sounded like a great opportunity to connect with someone who needs company. I liked the idea of learning more about someone and hearing his/her story.”

She met with the Boulder JFS volunteer department and was recently matched with Kenny. They have only met twice so far, but she is confident that they’re going to be a great match. “I love Kenny’s appreciation and kindness for JFS and the Friendly Visitor program,” says Robin with a smile.

Robin also shares that she feels joy whenever she goes to the JCC and JFS offices. “There’s such a positive vibe there and it’s a good escape from all that’s going on in the world. JFS is an amazing organization that helps people in so many ways. I’m happy to do my small part to help Kenny,” she says.

In addition to volunteering with JFS, Robin is serving on the Boulder Jewish Festival planning committee. When not volunteering, she likes to knit, walk, ride her bike, enjoy the mountains, and go out to eat with her husband.

To learn more about being a Friendly Visitor or other Boulder JFS volunteer opportunities, contact Mary Pierce at 720.749.3403.