Jewish Family Service

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Thank You to Boulder Hanukkah Volunteers

Residents of eight local retirement communities and their families enjoyed Hanukkah celebrations, complete with latkes, donuts, grape juice, gelt, candle lighting, and songs last month.

Thank you to these para-chaplains and clergy members who volunteered their time to lead these celebrations and make the holiday special: Cantor Holli Berman, David Bernstein, Rabbi Deborah Bronstein, Rabbi Ruth Gelfarb, Alan Halpern, Joseph Lukasik, and Rabbi Marc Soloway. Thank you to students from Fairview High School who once again provided food for the Golden West celebration.

A special thank-you to David Bernstein for leading celebrations at two locations, including one on his birthday.

Har HaShem’s cantor Holli Berman led a beautiful service at the Academy and brought some violin players from a local music school to add to the festivities. Rabbi Marc Soloway brought 4th–7th graders from Bonai Shalom's religious school to sing with the Golden West residents. The residents loved these musical additions and spending time with kids.

Special thanks to Stacey Farb and her three children who hand-made 60 Hanukkah cards for the residents in attendance at Golden West!

In addition, 91-year-old Golden West resident Priscilla Gifford wrote the following Hanukkah poem that she read at the Hanukkah service led by Rabbi Marc Soloway.

December Light

In the deep dark of the year,
As daylight dwindled
And blackness enveloped the long nights,
They sought the comfort of light.

Some danced in the wood
As sparks from their brave fires
Sputtered up into the unknown.

Some found surprising oil,
Saving a temple and a people.

Some saw a dazzling star
Leading to a child, and hope.

Today, December is still bleak.
New darknesses press around us
And we yearn, we yearn for light.

The eight candles still burn.
The bright star shines
We need only to look, and to see.