Jewish Family Service

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Vocational training kick starts career 

Finding a job, learning a new skill, or developing exiting ones can feel daunting. Thanks to the new JFS Vocational Training program, practical learning opportunities and hands-on experience could be what clients need to take their skills to the next level. Our new career development program supports personal skills growth with three different learning opportunities, including administrative and customer service, AutoCAD design (computer-aided design), and foundations of digital literacy. 

JFS Vocational Program Manager Gloria Padilla shares her personal experience with one of our Digital Literacy students. 

Sam is in her early 60s, and she looked very worried on day one of her Digital Literacy class. She was the first person to arrive and the last one to leave class, and this pattern continued throughout the entire three and a half weeks of the cohort. Sam worked at New Legacy Charter School and was told she needed to complete this training to be able to fulfill the responsibilities of her job. Sam was on a mission and approached the class with total seriousness and physically separated herself from the sea of young adults. 

On day two of class, I noticed that Sam had a stern look on her face and every time we made eye contact, she would look away. I made it a point to speak with her about how she was feeling, and she told me she was very worried that she would not be able to earn her Northstar Certification. “This computer stuff is hard for me. I just don’t seem to get it,” she said. I reminded her about the Mindset presentation I gave the day before and how we were there to support her learning. As I provided some assistance to resolve her issues with the Northstar program, I noticed that Sam was struggling with comprehension. 

There were times that she was frustrated, staring at her computer screen, and not understanding what she was doing wrong on her practice tests. Fortunately, Sam was also greatly determined to finish the program. Slowly, she began to understand the concepts and started creating a strong foundational understanding of digital literacy. The week before class ended, she began helping some of her classmates with their lessons. The Digital Literacy trainer and I extended the class to allow some people to earn all their certificates, and Sam benefited from this extension. She had become stuck on the very last lesson and just did not seem to be able to pass the last exam. On the second to the last day of class, I let her know that she needed to relax. On the verge of tears, Sam said to me, “What if I don’t get that last certificate? I am so close!” I explained to Sam that I would be willing to proctor her exam outside of the designated class time, and that I would give her some days to study and understand the lesson so that she would earn all her certificates. I also let her know that I would do this for her because she had worked relentlessly throughout the class. Sam relaxed after our conversation, and there was no need to meet later. The day before graduation, Sam took her final exam and passed—and she proudly announced to the class, “I did it”! 

During graduation, Sam gave the Digital Literacy trainer and I some delicious baked goodies. She let us know that now that she knew how to be on social media, she would be promoting her side baking business.  

If you’re interested in finding a new job opportunity or learning new skills, like Sam, JFS can help! All programs include career-readiness classes and job search and resume assistance. Don’t delay though. Space is limited for all classes to provide the best learning atmosphere.  Learn more today!