Donate to our Housing Programs
JFS is a participating Homeless Contribution Tax Credit (HCTC) program. The Colorado Homeless Contribution Income Tax Credit provides a state income tax credit to Colorado taxpayers who contribute to eligible homelessness-related projects within Colorado, which includes our Emergency Housing Assistance and Rapid Rehousing programs. The information below provides details about JFS’s participation in this program and how it can benefit you.
Monetary gifts of $500 or more or in-kind gifts of over $5,000 are eligible.
The income tax credit of 25% will be given to qualifying donations.
A donor’s last four digits of their Social Security Number must be provided in order for a tax credit certificate to be issued.
The last four digits of the Social Security Number and other personal information is used by the Department of Revenue to verify identity.
The Colorado Statute establishing HCTC and this requirement can be found here: House Bill 22-1083.
Tax credit certificates will be issued on a quarterly basis.
Certificates will be distributed via secure email. If a donor does not have an email or prefers not to use the email feature, the certificates will be sent via postal mail.
If you have any questions regarding HCTC, please contact Jessica Zeidman, Chief Advancement Officer, jzeidman@jewishfamilyservice.org or 720.248.4663, or visit cdola.colorado.gov/hctc.
Jewish Family Service of Colorado is a 501(c)(3). EIN #84-0402701.
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