Family Resources

JDA works to involve youth and families in learning about disability inclusion. The following resources may help families engage their children through questions and activities.


Handout offers opportunities for connecting during the holiday, tips for hosting an accessible gathering, and a Hanukkah connection challenge for kids and families.

Handout offers a Hanukkiah coloring page with values written on each candle, and family discussion questions connected to those values to promote increased awareness and inclusion of people with disabilities. The 6th night, often known as Ner Shel Tzedekah, has a special blessing.  


Family Bookmark this kindness challenge for the 10 days of Awe invites children and families to explore different ways to show Chesed (Kindness), Kavod (Respect) and Salanut (Patience) for those with visible and invisible disabilities.  

Family Bookmark offers eight ways kids can help include their classmates with disabilities and ensure all kids feel they belong. 

Family Bookmark offers four ways kids can support their peers with disabilities, who may not have strong support from the community, classmates, or friends.


Handout explains why individuals with disabilities sometimes mask their symptoms and the effects of doing so. Two family friendly activities and discussion questions about the ways we all mask at times. 

Matching Game with a Twist lets children and families practice naming their challenges, sharing how they like to be supported, and offering support to others.

Handout and Activity for ALL Ages encourages us to examine and share the gifts each person in our community has to offer, while offering suggestions for involving individuals with a variety of disabilities in preparing mishloach manot.  

Handout describes how communities can create a brave space for members to reveal challenges, how to make asking for support a community norm, and how to organize ways to offer support.

A Purim Matching Game allows children and families to explore similar ideas.