Holiday Delivery Driver
Deliver special holiday care packages, meals, or Shabbat challah to older adults. Pick up food boxes and instructions from the JFS office at the Boulder JCC. Deliver to 4-6 clients’ homes or residential living facilities.
Commitment: Purim (early spring), Passover (spring), Rosh Hashanah (fall), and some Shabbats (Friday nights).
Additional Requirements: Background check, motor vehicle records check, driver’s license, proof of auto insurance, MANE training, and CAPS check. Proof of Covid-19 vaccination is required for all volunteers 12 and older. Age 18+ to volunteer on your own. Ages 10-17 can volunteer with a parent or guardian.
For more information about these volunteer opportunities and to get started, please send us an email at tkantor@jewishfamilyservice.org.