Letter from the CEO
It’s impossible to watch the news and not hear stories about how school districts in metro Denver (and across the country, for that matter) are seeing an unprecedented surge in the enrollment of migrant students. In the United States, all children are entitled to a public elementary and secondary education regardless of their citizenship or immigration status. And no matter your opinion about the migrant crisis, I hope we all can agree that children who are struggling—innocent children who are here because of the difficult decision their caregivers made to escape political unrest or economic uncertainty—desperately need mental health support to help them cope and heal from the traumas they have experienced.

Women of JFS: past and present
March is National Women’s History Month. In honor of the impact women have had on JFS’s 150-year history, we’d like to highlight our founder and a few of the current women who continue to help shape the organization to have the greatest impact for the greater good.

Caring for Holocaust Survivors
JFS is dedicated to providing financial assistance and resources to Holocaust survivors so that they can live with the peace, comfort, and dignity they need and deserve.
Be Merry, Be Bright
The JFS Bright Holidays program began more than 20 years ago as a giving tree at Graland Country Day School. Every December since then, the holiday spirit spreads throughout the community and people’s hearts, as the program flourishes each year.

Working Together to Fight Isolation
The pandemic left 93-year-old Greta isolated and lonely. See how our Baskin Jewish Community chaplain and a volunteer para-chaplain helped her feel reconnected.

Processing Trauma and Restoring Self-Esteem
Joshua had been experiencing inner loneliness and depression for years due to traumatic life events. He had tried conventional therapy in the past, but it had not worked for him. He came to JFS for weekly EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) sessions and he shares the positive results of this treatment.

Partner Spotlight: Caring for Denver
We are grateful to Caring for Denver for awarding the JFS KidSuccess program with a 3-year grant under their youth funding opportunity. This funding will be used to build resiliency, develop coping skills, and reduce mental health care barriers for youths throughout Denver.

Helping the Community Get Back to Work - New Employment Classes Added!
We are excited to announce that we have expanded our Employment Services department! JFS is here to help whether someone is unemployed, underemployed, or looking for a career change.

Care Management for Adults 60+
JFS care managers are aging experts, committed to providing excellent service delivery and care coordination that maintains the dignity and achieves the goals of older adults served.

Summer 2020 Family Matters
2020 issue of Family Matters features a new design, learn more about how we are responding to the increased demand for services during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Spring 2020 Family Matters
Learn about the JFS Executive Luncheon featuring Jack Nicklaus and a new program to help young adults build resiliency.

Fall 2019 Family Matters
In the Fall 2019 issue of Family Matters, meet our new executive staff members, learn how JFS's community rabbi provides spiritual support in times of need.

Summer 2019 Family Matters
Learn more about play therapy, counseling for older adults, school violence, work stress, and how JFS therapists are helping children in schools.

From the CEO: Supporting Older Adults
Linda Foster, Jewish Family Service of Colorado's president and CEO, talks about the work JFS does to support older adults in our community.

Spring 2019 Family Matters
See how JFS helps older adults through a variety of services; upcoming events; an impactful client story; a touching volunteer story; JFS Legacy Society; and much more.

Winter 2019 Family Matters
The Winter 2019 issue of Family Matters is online now and focuses on inclusion.
From the CEO: Linda Foster
Jewish Family Service of Colorado's new president and CEO, Linda Foster, introduces herself to the community and shares her excitement for this new role.

Fall 2018 Family Matters
The Fall 2018 issue of Family Matters is online now. This issue includes information about the Weinberg Food Pantry and the work it is doing to fight hunger and food insecurity in our community, upcoming events, an inspirational client story, an article about nutrition and its impact on mental health, and much more!

From the CEO: Weinberg Food Pantry
In this issue of Family Matters, we’re highlighting the Weinberg Food Pantry and the incredible work it is doing to fight hunger and food insecurity in our community.