A Friendly Visitor with a Flair for French

In June, Anne Dixon received an email from Sue Mackey, a JFS Boulder volunteer who was collecting used iPads to help isolated older adults stay connected to their families. She asked Sue if she knew of any opportunities to volunteer providing companionship to older adults and Sue recommended JFS. Anne thought that she would simply be making phone calls and possibly participating in video chats.

She was matched with Nicole, who lives in an apartment in Boulder. After talking on the phone, they both decided they were comfortable meeting in person if it was outside and socially distanced. They have lunch together every week and take walks.

Our volunteer coordinator works hard to ensure compatibility between Friendly Visitors and the older adults they visit. This was a great match; both Anne and Nicole have studied abroad, speak French, and enjoy singing. “In fact, the first time we met, Nicole broke out into song!” recalls Anne and said it was a sweet moment they shared.

“I love this volunteer experience and the opportunity to spend time with Nicole one-on-one, share life experiences, and provide companionship,” says Anne.

Learn more about our Friendly Visitor volunteer opportunities or contact Mary Pierce at 720.248.4685.

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