What’s on the Boulder horizon
Partnerships play a significant role in the work that we do and the success of the organization. Each day, we are excited and humbled to have the opportunity to help those who rely on our programs and services, and we recognize our work can only happen because of the support we receive.

Wrapping up our Boulder County Crisis Counseling program
Since the Marshall Fire roared through the Boulder area, JFS has responded to the community’s needs, including providing mental health support thanks to a partnership between the Community Foundation Boulder County and additional funding from the Red Cross and Boulder County Health and Human Services. Our administration of the Boulder County Crisis Counseling mental health program ended at the end of December 2024, and we’re excited to share our wrap-up.

Program spotlight: JFS Boulder
This month, we’re excited to spotlight our JFS Boulder program. We sat down with Melissa Mascareñas, Director of JFS Boulder, to learn about this remarkable team and their work throughout JFS and our communities.

Building bridges to support our Boulder clients
Our JFS Boulder team is committed to helping those in need throughout our community. Every day, Stuart Feinhor, MA, MAHL, MFA, Programs Coordinator, Care Manager fills an important gap in providing services to help our clients, like Mary Beth, become connected, self-sufficient, and thrive.

Celebrating the holidays throughout the Boulder community
Not a day goes by without our JFS volunteers making a difference throughout the Boulder area. Their impact is especially significant during times such as the High Holidays when our older adult neighbors may need a reminder that being a part of a community means that people come together to show they care.

JFS Boulder volunteer retires after 52 years of service
Jerry Sloat has been sounding the shofar for JFS Boulder High Holiday celebrations at older adult facilities since 1971. In fact, Jerry has volunteered to sound the shofar at so many places over the years that he has lost count. After sounding the shofar for more than 50 years, Jerry is happy to let someone take over the mitzvah.

Don’t wait for a disaster to make a plan
Do you have a plan for you and your family in case an emergency occurs? If not, learn what to do before a disaster strikes because things don’t always go as planned—and if you already do, it’s a great time to reevaluate. There’s no better time than National Preparedness Month to get ready for the unexpected.

Introducing our new JFS Boulder director
We’re excited to announce Melissa Mascareñas has been promoted to the director of JFS Boulder. Since March 2023, Melissa has been the associate director, and she has continued to ensure that our Boulder clients receive exemplary services as they overcome difficult life challenges to reach their full potential and feel supported, connected, and engaged.

Passover 2024: Finding hope and joy, together
Bringing Passover celebrations to isolated older adults in retirement communities or their homes is such an impactful way to show we care for our Jewish friends. To all our supporters and dedicated volunteers, we thank you for making Passover special to those who rely on us. We truly appreciate your efforts to make these celebrations meaningful.

JFS Boulder volunteer gatherings
May, JFS Boulder held two volunteer gatherings for existing and potential volunteers to join our team, Guests learned about our JFS programs and volunteer opportunities while getting to know other volunteers and staff. We’re already looking forward to planning future informational sessions!

Repair the World Colorado Service Corps members join forces with JFS Boulder
Repair the World strives to pursue a just world through meaningful service and learning, and together with JFS Boulder, community members are making a significant impact in the best possible ways. After receiving feedback that Boulder youth had difficulties finding community service opportunities, Repair the World Service Corps members and CU students Sophia Englezos and Eleanor Steele and JFS Boulder Community Engagement Liaison Tina Kantor decided to address the challenges and expand our capacity to make an impact throughout Boulder.

Marshall Fire support opportunities available
JFS Boulder continues to respond to the community needs following the Marshall Fire. Registration for our Boulder County Crisis Counseling program will end in June, and we are now offering a 6-week teen support program.

Meet our Boulder Volunteer of the Year
Since 2013, Rob has supported the organization with his dedication to the Friendly Visitor program, as a holiday celebrant, and deliverer of holiday baskets, sharing more than 300 hours of his time volunteering.

Repair the World Service Corps and JFS Boulder make an impact
Repair the World strives to pursue a just world through meaningful service and learning. Together with JFS Boulder, community members are making a significant impact in the best possible ways. From bringing Passover joy to older adults to gathering youth volunteer opportunities, good work is being done throughout the community.

Find support with our grief and caregiver counseling groups
The JFS Mental Health department has partnered with clients, families, and the community to create opportunities to achieve emotional wellness and stability, including several support groups. For those dealing with grief and individuals who are caregivers, we offer support groups that guide clients on their wellness journey as they find the support they need.

Building strong social connections
We have two volunteer opportunities to help build connections with older adults and help prevent social isolation—both of which are essential to promoting a healthy lifestyle. Get involved, foster friendships, have fun, and do good throughout our Boulder community!

Fostering intergenerational friendships and reducing loneliness
If you are looking for a way to make a real impact on the life of a local person, consider joining our Friendly Visitor program. Friendly visitors are matched with an older adult or an adult with a disability for weekly visits or phone calls.

Toda Rabah (“many thanks!”) to our High Holiday and Thanksgiving volunteers
Not a day goes by without our JFS volunteers making a difference throughout the Boulder area. Their impact is especially significant during times such as the High Holidays and Thanksgiving when our older adult neighbors may need a reminder that being a part of a community means that people come together to show they care.

Hanukkah 2023: Celebrating light and hope in uncertain times
ewish Family Service celebrated Hanukkah with community members at 11 older adult communities in Boulder County this year. Volunteers, local rabbis, Boulder Jewish Family Service staff members, and facility staff worked together to put on a full celebration complete with candles, songs, latkes, sufganiyot (jelly doughnuts), and plenty of schmoozing.

Thank you for joining us at the JFS Boulder State of the Agency
JFS Boulder State of the Agency guests enjoyed an evening gathering with friends, learning about JFS, meeting new team members, and hearing program updates from JFS President and CEO Linda P. Foster and JFS Boulder Associate Director Melissa Mascarenas. Our supporters’ continued dedication to JFS Boulder makes a life-changing difference to the individuals and families who come to us to rebuild their lives. We could not make a collective impact without your support!