Hanukkah Bags Bring a Spark of Light to Dark Times

As with almost everything in 2020, the way we helped older adults in our community celebrate Hanukkah looked different this year. Thanks to some creativity and dedicated volunteers, JFS Boulder staff and volunteers delivered Hanukkah bags to 60 older adults and community members with disabilities. Each person received a jelly donut, chocolate gelt, dreidel, light-up menorah necklace, and a card from JFS. One volunteer who delivered the goody bags shared, “Each person I contacted was grateful, surprised, and had to process for a few seconds just what was transpiring. What JFS does for these folks is beautiful!”

Colin Miller, a senior at Fairview High School, has organized a student donation of sufganiyot (jelly donuts) to JFS for the past four years and helped with other holiday celebrations. He told us a little about his volunteer experiences:

Colin Miller with the donuts he provided for the Hanukkah bags.

Colin Miller with the donuts he provided for the Hanukkah bags.

JFS Boulder programs coordinator Stuart Feinhor and volunteer Corrin LaCombe prepare the Hanukkah bags to be delivered.

JFS Boulder programs coordinator Stuart Feinhor and volunteer Corrin LaCombe prepare the Hanukkah bags to be delivered.

“My volunteer experience with JFS began four years ago when I was a freshman in high school and a teacher connected me with the organization. When I was first put in contact with JFS, I did not know much about them. I quickly saw their value and impact on our community and felt very happy and lucky to be doing the work I had done for them. 

JFS has continued to wow me and help me understand the values of giving back to others and providing for others' needs when in the position to do so. I am so thankful for everyone I have met through JFS and all the things I have learned. I am sad this will be my last year helping before I go to college. I am looking forward to pursuing my dream of becoming an engineer. I can't wait to move back to Boulder after college to start a family and continue to volunteer for this amazing organization.”

Thank you to Colin and all the other volunteers who helped make Hanukkah special for isolated members of our community!


Isaac Helps Make the Holidays Brighter for Local Families


Hanukkah 2020 Candle Lighting with Rabbi Rick Brody