Program spotlight: JFS Boulder
JFS Boulder team members pictured left to right: Nicole Hosack, Tina Kantor, Melissa Mascareñas, and Stuart Feinhor.
This month, we’re excited to spotlight our JFS Boulder program. We sat down with Melissa Mascareñas, Director of JFS Boulder, to learn about this remarkable team and their work throughout JFS and our communities.
Q: Tell us about your program.
MM: JFS Boulder provides vital services to the Boulder Community, including care management, friendly visitors, holiday celebrations and deliveries, mental health, crisis counseling, and emergency assistance.
Q: What impacts does your program make?
MM: Our services help:
Older adults and adults with disabilities age in place or find a safe and accommodating older adult living community to move into.
Prevent isolation by providing friendly visitors and holiday meal deliveries.
Provide emergency rental assistance, allowing individuals with and without children to remain in their homes.
Individuals who are struggling with mental health challenges.
Q: What is the team working on now?
MM: The team is working on expanding care management services, wrapping up the Boulder County Crisis Counseling program, and expanding our in-house mental health program.
Q: Please share a fun fact about your team.
MM: Our team is very diverse, coming from all backgrounds and areas of the states. We balance each other out, and we LOVE a good quiche!
Learn more about JFS Boulder today!