Providing an Essential Lifeline for William
See how JFS Boulder supported William, a Sudanese refugee, during the pandemic.

A Letter of Gratitude from a JFS Boulder Client
We recently received this heartfelt letter from a client for whom we provided housing assistance at the beginning of the pandemic. Read the letter now!

JFS Boulder Presents a Series of Lunchtime Events!
Join JFS Boulder for a series of free virtual lunchtime events on topics including Scam and Fraud in 2021, 10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer's, and Medicare 101.

A Creative Solution Leads to a Life-Changing Intervention
What started as an inquiry into signing “Jeffrey” up for homemaker services turned in to a life-changing intervention. Earlier this year, Jeffrey’s knee collapsed leaving him unable to move. He could barely get around his apartment and could not go anywhere on foot. Jeffrey was functionally immobile—even unable to acquire food—and had been living in a state of dire poverty for years. Fortunately his brother stepped in and contacted JFS Boulder. See how JFS helped Jeffrey get his life on track!

Supporting the Buellers Through Challenging Times
JFS Boulder has supported the Bueller family through several challenges over the past eight years. Sadly, Barbara passed away in December. Because of the longstanding relationship and compassionate care she received, it was Barbara’s wish that all donations in her memory go to JFS.

Jewish Family Service, Boulder County Community Services, and the Community Foundation Boulder County Launch Wildfire Mental Health Program
In response to the October 2020 Cal-Wood and Lefthand Canyon wildfires, Boulder County Community Services, Community Foundation Boulder County, and Jewish Family Service are launching the Wildfire Mental Health Program (WMHP) to assist fire-impacted individuals and families seeking crisis support.

Hanukkah Bags Bring a Spark of Light to Dark Times
As with almost everything in 2020, the way we helped older adults in our community celebrate Hanukkah looked different this year. Thanks to some creativity and dedicated volunteers, JFS Boulder staff and volunteers delivered goody bags to 60 older adults and community members with disabilities.

Cathy Summer Joins JFS Boulder as Therapist
Cathy Summer, LCSW, former JFS Boulder manager, recently joined the JFS Boulder team as a part-time therapist.

A Friendly Visitor with a Flair for French
Anne was seeking a volunteer opportunity providing companionship to older adults and found a great fit as a JFS Boulder Friendly Visitor.

Emergency Assistance Program Helps Karen Remain Housed
When the pandemic hit, Karen lost two jobs in two days and didn't know how she'd pay her rent. See how JFS Boulder's Emergency Assistance Program helped Karen remain housed.